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    It has been said that reputation takes a lifetime to build, but just minutes to ruin.

    In today’s digital world, reputation is critical and Google is king. The Internet has an incredible capacity to spread information, but much of this is unfair, unreasonable or poorly researched.

    It’s all too easy for one disgruntled blogger or unscrupulous journalist to cause damage to a business with an angry, one sided or exaggerated blog post or review, ruining its online reputation indefinitely. Over 90% of people will Google a business before financially engaging with it. Negative search results often lead to a lack of trust in your brand, and thus reduced sales.

    If unfair negative reviews, articles or forum postings are damaging your brand, then part of your digital strategy should include some measure of online reputation management.

    Our team uses a combination of positive PR generation and reverse search engine optimisation tactics to push negative publicity away from the first two pages of the search results, giving your business the best possible chance at recovering its reputation and sales volume.


    We've been shortlisted for 4 PR Awards by the nationwide UK Digital PR Awards


    We're finalists in The Drum PR Awards. A global competition that recognizes the best campaigns and agencies

    Our approach to reputation management

    We understand the harm negative digital publicity can cause and are passionate about brands being represented fairly online.

    Personal Circumstances

    Often, people come to us for reputation management in a personal capacity, as a last resort. We are here to listen, not to judge.

    Personal information that does not present a clear, ethical need to be in the public domain should not be so easily accessed via the Internet, and we believe that Google is wrong in its handling of this.

    We have enough first-hand experience of the distress that unfair headlines, reporting, blogging or reviews have caused people


    Whilst we are very effective at online reputation management, there are certain criteria that must be matched before we are willing to do this:

    The negative publicity must be untrue, greatly disproportionate/unbalanced, exaggerated or provably irrelevant to present circumstances.

    The business itself must not be engaged in any illegal or morally reprehensible practices. We will not work with anyone that we do not feel comfortable working with on an ethical or legal basis.


    Issues around online reputation often involve highly sensitive information. With Go Up, you can rest assured that confidentiality is a given.

    We do not promise that we will work with you, as this largely depends on whether the individual or business meets our own criteria.

    However, from the moment you pick up the phone or drop us an email, all communications will be confidential. We will not discuss your details with anyone not required for the purpose of assisting with your campaign.

    Reputation Management FAQs

    What is reputation management?

    Online reputation management is the digital equivalent of the public relations practice of influencing or controlling the image of an individual or business. Online, the practice involves reducing the visibility of negative search results, usually in Google.

    How does online reputation management work?

    We employ SEO and PR techniques to recover a business’ online reputation. From an SEO point of view, this means optimising and improving the rankings of favourable content in order to push any negative publicity down the page and eventually out of sight. In terms of PR, our team can seek out positive press angles and opportunities, with a view to pushing the negative press down the rankings in favour of positive press. They can also produce press releases that give a business some control over the discussion of a situation or event. Bad press can even be turned into an opportunity if we can demonstrate that corrective action has been taken, whether a scenario is true or not, or to give their version of events.

    Our experts

    Your Reputation Management Team

    Pippa Woodruff

    PR Manager

    Olivia Bennett

    PR Account Director

    Fenella Breaks

    Senior PR Executive

    Hanna Farhan

    PR & Content Executive

    Sophie Harding

    PR & Content Executive


    Petwork Technician

    Relevant glossary

    We've put together a handy glossary to ease you into the world of SEO.

    See More +

    Need help with Reputation Management?

    Call or send us an email today and we'll make sure that you're our next success story.