2 mins
OpenNo.1 Living
Cracking Google Discover and organically generating 55% YTD direct revenue in 3 weeks
Delivering a strategic link acquisition campaign to support organic growth
41% increase year-on-year in total number of ranking keywords
48% increase in organic search traffic by the eighth month
Taylor & Hart approached Go Up looking for a link building campaign to support their own internal marketing strategy. While Taylor & Hart already had a healthy amount of existing visibility for key search terms within the jewellery sector, the goal was to:
Given that each of these brands have a combined legacy of hundreds of years of trading, Taylor & Hart cannot compete on a brand history level. However, we could compete on a strategic link acquisition basis in order to persuade search engines of Taylor & Hart’s significant – and increasing – reputation within the industry.
We executed a tailored content and link acquisition strategy that aimed to build authoritative and topic-relevant links from a range of wedding blogs, lifestyle publications and news websites.
We focused these links around a handful of key pages, some of which Taylor & Hart had identified as priority areas, others which we had identified as having the most potential for rapid growth in visibility.
Since launching our organic link building campaign for Taylor & Hart, the website has enjoyed a significant upturn in visibility. The total number of keywords that the website is ranking for has increased by 41% year-on-year, while the number of keywords ranking on the 1st page of results have increased by 48%.
At the time of writing (June 2020), the website also currently occupies 33 featured snippet positions in search results, including snippets for queries that have search volumes of more than 1,000 a month.
Call or send us an email today and we’ll discuss how you could become our next success story.
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